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Based on the objective Sex Tricks by: Mini Tangas

Sex or sex can have a variety of purposes. Each person also has different goals. According to the sex expert, how to have sex can vary, depending on your destination.

This is a goal to make love someone and how to do it.

1. Female orgasm
Want to make a woman orgasm? Try changing your lovemaking style. Woman on top is the position of trust that can give her total satisfaction. from the start the rhythm and the time set by the women, therefore they usually earn more satisfaction. On the other hand, their partners feel aroused at the sight of women in action, and felt the woman's body on top of their bodies.

2. Full Body Contact
If your goal is to do a total body contact with the most important partner is relaxed and not in a hurry. Start by kissing each other, hugging, or a massage. If the time comes, choose a position side by side, so that your body and your partner together.

3. Sex Furniture
Sex not only be done in the bedroom alone. If occasionally you want to do it in other places, do not bother booking a hotel room or pay expensive resort. Stay use only furniture in your house. but remember, think of the level of comfort. do not let you and your partner instead injury. Large sofa or recliner is recommended for this kind of sex.

4. Sex Lightning
Want to do a quickie? It is advisable to do so while standing, leaning against the wall. This position may allow you to do a total body contact with partner and stimulate each other. If you and your spouse have a fairly high measure of distance, one could make the bench or table for rebuttal.

5. Sex to obtain offspring
Actually there is no particular love style to get offspring. But of course having sex missionary style is strongly recommended. Most important, did sex in the fertile period of women.
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