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How to Choose a mini tangas of good and true

mini tangasHow to Choose a mini tangas of good and true

Except for special events, you may only take the mini tangas from the stack in the cupboard without thought every morning, if you choose that is just looking for color only.

In fact, choose a mini tangas should be adjusted with the body shape and type of activities that will be done on that day. If you do not know the size of waist and thigh circumference you, please feel free to ask at the store clerk as they are ready to assist you.

In general, there are several mini tangas, including model hipster, thongs, or bikini brief. Next information you need to know about the mini tangas:

Hipsters / Low Rise

As with any model hipsters, this panty is also under the full model with pinggul. According to some people, panty section is more of this type of thong, which is clearly more comfortable in use. Select type of mini tangas this if you want to wear shorts or hipster short superiors. In addition, suitable use for women who have a lower torso or for you who want to disguise the shape of the pelvis. Choose a hipster who does not have the hip is too narrow so that foot movement is unimpeded. If the skin is a sign it, then you need shorts with a larger size.

Thongs or G-String

Tangas mini model of the selected section to create an impression. For you who want to wear dress evening, select a model to form a mini tangas not in the print dress. Thongs can make users feel uncomfortable if you have never tried before, to avoid it in the thong time. They form a broad buttocks and down does not match the G-string because of friction between the buffer with the organs can create intimate skin abrasions.


Mini bikini tangas have the have the full buttocks, and cover the type of the most popular and preferred women in various sizes. Apart from cotton, is now not a few manufacturers that make a bikini from silk, nylon, lateks or vynil. If you have sensitive skin, choose a mini tangas are in cotton to absorb sweat.

Brief / boxer

Convenience factor is the excess of the mini tangas type. But some people call this model is obsolete. Brief to provide full coverage on the front and back with a size slightly above the waist. Very suitable for those who have a certain kind of belly bulging and pelvic width. Although the match be a day-to-day, mini tangas type that is not a suitable subject with a mini-skirt or hipster now many in the market.
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