Sexual Relations disease is a group of infectious diseases transmitted through sexual contact. Included in the PHS is Syphilis, Gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital herpes, condyloma Akuminata, pubic lice (pubic lice), Vaginitis. Transmission is usually through sexual intercourse, whereas the other way is through blood transfusions, hypodermic needles, pregnant mother to her baby, and others. The main source of infection is the female sex workers.
Sexual Relations disease is also called venereal diseases, veneral disease, sexually transmitted disease.
The symptoms that can be seen:
1. Changes in the skin around the genitals
2. Small water when disposing of a pain
3. Itching genital
4. Pain in the pelvic region (female)
5. Though no symptoms, can transmit the disease when it is exposed
6. Only doctors who are able to handle a sexually transmitted disease
The effects:
1. the emotions: fear, feelings of shame, guilt
2. can be transmitted from mother to baby
3. disorders / defects in infants conceived
4. infertility in men and women
5. death
The chain of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases
Understanding: Bacteria, as the cause of the disease will move from one person to another. This creates the chain of transmission, so that each chain is an important part in disease transmission to others. Understand and decide one of the chain of transmission is a good way to prevent transmission.
Disease transmission chain Sexual Relations:
Viruses, bacteria, protozoa, parasites and fungi
Humans, other material contaminated with germs
Penis, vagina, ass hole, wounded skin, blood, mucous membranes.
The most common are sex (penis-vagina, penis, ass hole, ass hole mouth, mouth-vagina, mouth-penis).
Sexual intercourse, the use of syringes together of people affected by disease Sexual Relationship to other people (illegal injecting drugs, blood transfusions are not sterile, tattoo needles and others).
People who behave in unsafe sex. The more sex partners, the higher is likely to get disease Sexual relationships of people who are infected.
1. Break one of the transmission chain
2. Associated with a legitimate partner
Treatment: Come and consult with a professional doctor. Treatment alone without knowing with certainty often lead to more severe, and causing germs become resistant to drugs.
Increased incidence of disease caused by sexual relations several factors:
1. contraception, the feeling is not safe pregnancy
2. free sex, declining moral standards
3. lack of understanding about sexuality and relationships Sexual Disease
4. transportation is growing smoothly, the high mobility
5. urbanization and unemployment
6. poverty
7. knowledge
8. prostitution
Sexual Relations disease transmission is usually through sexual intercourse (95%), whereas the other way is through blood transfusions, hypodermic needles, placenta (from mother to child at birth) and others. The main source of infection is immoral woman (80%).
Some diseases Sexual relations are often encountered:
a. Syphilis
Syphilis is a venereal disease that is chronic and chronic disease, although the frequency began to decline, but still a dangerous disease because it can attack organs throughout the body including the circulatory system, nerves and can be transmitted by a pregnant mother to her baby, resulting in congenital abnormalities in baby. Syphilis is often known as Lues, King Lion.
* The bacteria causes: Treponema pallidum
* Medium: Men
* Place of germs out: Penis, vagina, mouth and pregnant mothers to their babies
* Mode of Transmission: sexual contact, mother to her baby
* Place of germs in: penis, vagina, anus, mouth, transfusion.
Based on the spread of syphilis is divided into 2 stages:
1. Early stage, highly contagious because at abnormalities of skin and mucous membranes germs found. Included here is syphilis stages I and II.
2. Advanced low-power-of-mouth disease.
Syphilis has a range of buds 3 weeks. At the entrance of germs arise ulcer (wound) is oval, clean basis, red skin around the light, the hard and did not touch the pain, a condition called primary effect of stage I. Often accompanied by swollen lymph nodes in the vicinity of infection daerang dense, chewy, the palpability tikdak sick.
Within 3-6 weeks of this disorder can be cured without treatment. After the primary effect, then 6-8 weeks into the disease stage II, usually preceded by symptoms: fever, headache, sore bones and so on. Sign-tana on the skin and mucous membranes can mimic any other skin disease (the great imitator) and disorders of the skin is not itchy. Lesions in moist places in the folds of skin called condylomata lata. There were enlarged lymph nodes overall (generalized lymphadenitis). Skin disorder may disappear without treatment and may occur again but not symmetrical. Latent syphilis is syphilis patients without symptoms and only found a positive test result.
Syphilis stage III appeared after 3-10 years of stage I. This situation is not contagious, but can attack any organ of the body. Abnormalities characteristic is a node which then relented, broken and form ulcers. In addition, can also attack the circulatory system and nervous.
b. Gonorrhea
Gonorrhea is a disease Sexual relations are most commonly found and most easily enforced diagnosis. The name of this common venereal disease is "gonorrhea". Incubation period 3-5 days.
* Germs: Neisseria gonorrhea
* Intermediary: human
* Where the germs out: penis, vagina, anus, mouth
* Modes of transmission: Direct contact seksua
* Where the bacteria entered: penis, vagina, anus, mouth
* Who can get: people who have sex not safe
Male patients usually complain of pain during urination. Urinary tract from the mouth out thick yellow pus green. After several days of pus discharge only in the morning, little and thin and decreased pain. If the disease is left untreated complications may arise in the form of inflammation of the genitals.
In women, this disease does not show obvious symptoms or even no complaints at all, so she easily become a source of transmission of GO. Sometimes patients complain discharge and pain when urinating.
Complications can arise in the form bartolitis, namely that membengkaknya Bartholin gland difficult road for people with pain. Complications can cause sterility upward, when the abdominal cavity causing inflammation in the stomach and intestines. Also good for women or men systemic infection can occur (whole body) to the joints, heart, lining of the brain and others. In pregnant women, if not treated, while giving birth a baby's eyes can be infected, if not quickly treated can cause blindness
The incubation period of 1-4 weeks of the entry of microorganisms that are not typical lesions in the form of erosion, or ulcer papul heal itself without treatment. A few weeks later emerged swollen lymph nodes. Tumors were red and sore, which occurs not perlunakan simultaneously with sehigga broke fistel. The disease spread to the lymph nodes in the pelvic cavity.
In women, in addition to the above symptoms, manifestations can occur in the iliac kelenjat, resulting in pain when defecating or sexual intercourse. Other names: Bonen
* Bacteria: Chlamydia trachomatis
* Intermediate: human
* Where the germs out: penis, vagina. mouth
* Modes of transmission: sexual contact
* Where the bacteria entered: penis, vagina, anus, mouth
* Who can get: people who berhub. unsafe sex dg patients
d. Genital HERPES
Disease incidence is very fast lately. This disease can not be eradicated completely and often recurrent-kumatan, and can cause complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Genital herpes caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2.
* Type 1: low malignancy, attacking especially around the mouth
* TYPE 2: fierce, attack genitals
* Causes: herpes simplex virus
* Intermediate: human, material contaminated with the virus
* Where the virus came out: penis, vagina, anus, mouth
* Modes of transmission: Direct contact
* Where the bacteria entered: penis, vagina, anus, mouth
In women this disease is usually without symptoms, but can transmit the disease. Transmission is almost always occur through sexual contact. incubation period of 3-5 days, then on the pubic area bands arising vesicles, on the skin redness and pain is felt, when broken leave a mark. Often accompanied by painful gland enlargement. Disease recover within 2-3 weeks. The disease is often recurrent, occur at the same place and are usually lighter than the first symptoms of infection. Factors that affect recurrence is usually physical fatigue and mental stress, or other systemic infections. Excessive sexual relations with multiple partners increases the chance of contact with people who already got. Complications in pregnant women can be transmitted through the placenta or during childbirth, can cause miscarriage, fetal death or permanent malformation. In addition, can also cause cervical cancer.
e. Condyloma AKUMINATA
* Other names: Combs chicken (genital warts)
* Cause: Papilloma Virus
* Intermediate: human
* Where the germs out: penis, vagina, anus
* Modes of transmission: sexual intercourse
* Where the virus entry: the penis, vagina, anus
Incubation period 2-3 months. How to melaluiu sexual transmission. Diagnosis primarily established clinically. Localization of lesions in the region generally and lelbab folds, such as the vulva, vagina until the cervix, perineum and perineae area. Lesions of papul, pale with a surface like a cauliflower that grew membersar so very disturbing.
f. Gender alliance
Is a venereal disease marked itching on the genitals caused by a type of lice.
* Causes: Pubic lice, Pediculus pubis, kutupubis
* Intermediate: genital hair, underwear, contaminated tools lice & eggs
* Place out lice: genital hair
* Transmission: sexual contact, contaminated materials exposed
1. itching from lice that suck fluids around the genital hair.
2. skin damage
3. blood spots on the Mini Tangas