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Deal with the heat when you're pregnant by: Mini Tangas

health information, pregnantPregnant women feel hot, hot and uncomfortable and constantly sweating during hot air? Surely some sense this condition. Want to know how to ease the 'pain' during your pregnancy? Here are tips-tricks:

1. Water, air and water

Course favors a cold soda, but nothing can satisfy your thirst than water. Do not let your body dehydrated. Remember, dehydration is often associated with premature birth. Make sure you drink eight glasses per day, even if you do moderate exercise.

2. Snack snack

Avoid heavy foods. Eating in large numbers not only make you even uncomfortable, because eating a lot during pregnancy will increase your metabolism and cause you more hot again. Now, in order to make the body a little uncomfortable, eat small amounts, but often.

3. Try Like a spa bath

Pregnancy is an opportunity to indulge lho. Fill the bathtub with warm water is lukewarm and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil into it. Turn off all lights, light the candle, and soak your body into the bathtub.

4. Get naked!

If you have small children and are still hanging on your feet, ask for help couples. Say you need time alone. Lock the bedroom, changing bed linen with soft materials, add a pillow, if necessary, sprinkle scented talcum powder. Rest at least one hour and enjoy the solitude.

5. Wear loose clothing

Choose lightweight, loose clothing, retire tight T-shirt and jeans. Wear brightly colored clothing that reflects the light, avoid dark colors that absorb heat.

6. Swimming pool

Do not swim if you do not want to. Just enough to sit on the edges, shade trees shelter of smth. Enjoy the wind breeze caressing your face and body.

7. Meditation

Turn off all the lights, get comfortable posture, close your eyes and imagine you are in a very comfortable place

8. Eating out

If your house has no air conditioning, do not force myself to cook in the kitchen. could ever eat in the restaurant dong the cold and the food was delicious. not have to bother doing the dishes affairs and furniture.

9. Create a personal retreat

Read a book while listening to your favorite CD or go to the library could be an option. Prepare a full glass of fresh fruit juice.

10. Make AC alone

Fill a basin with ice and place it in front of the fan. Need a cold compress? Take a towel, dip in ice water, flush on the neck. Do the same for the back of the neck. Cold is not it?

Giving Dot Baby Tips by: Mini Tangas

health information, dot babyIf you give your baby pacifiers, remember some tips:

1. Wait until the baby can feed well from their mother's milk. Be patient. Wait until the baby was a few weeks or more, until he can be with regular feeding.

2. Let the baby determine his own, when he would use a pacifier, do not be forced.

3. Select dot with good ingredients and easy to clean. Be careful with the nipples that are "cracked" because if broken could be swallowed by the baby. Select the shape and size appropriate for your baby.

4. If there is already perceived by the baby's right, buy some fruit. Often the case that some babies refused if the pacifier replaced because it was soft, delicious, or for any reason.

5. Keep the pacifier clean. Before using a new pacifier, wash it clean. In order not moldy dot, dot every day soak in a bowl of warm water sided been given or liquid laundry soap for washing the pacifier. Allow to dry, give the new baby. Do not ever put the pacifier into your mouth in order to clean it. Bacteria from the mouth can be attached to your nipple and into the baby's mouth.

6. Never use a rope to hang the pacifier and then placed around the baby's neck. Little can be coiled cord and cause death.

7. If the dot separated from the baby's mouth while he slept, do not enter back into his mouth.

8. Try to find another way to soothe your baby when she was fussy and crying. Do not rush gagged with a pacifier. Maybe with a little swing and sling, he had calmed down. This is important so that the baby does not depend on the dot.

9. Realize right, when to stop giving pacifiers to their children. Most children stop using a pacifier when the age of 2-4 years. If you began to doubt, concerned about her age who still uses a pacifier, consult your doctor.

10. The final decision to give a pacifier or not, is in your hands. Let the error be the best teachers in educating and caring for baby dear.

How to choose a natural healthy diet supplements by: Mini Tangas

health information, natural healthy, dietMany of us, do not get vitamins and minerals we need on a regular basis. We do not eat enough fruits and vegetables and do not get antioxidant supplements as well as we should have in your diet.

Then not accompanied with health foods your body needs. There are many factors triggering a lack of nutrients or supplements your body needs. Environmental factors such as pollution, preservatives, lack of soil nutrients and too much fertilizer nutrients resulting decline. Lifestyle factors such as stress, alcohol consumption and excessive tobacco products.

56 percent of adults use vitamins and supplements in their daily needs to make sure that we get the required nutrients. But be careful of food supplements and drugs can not replace the vitamins and minerals found in food.

There are four keys when we start looking and buy dietary supplements:

1. Consider the product (health food) which has a special formula for men and women. The more we know about nutrition, the more clearly because men and women have different needs. A good supplement will have a different formula as needed.

2. Look for supplements that have formulation morning and evening. Our bodies are not

nutritional needs as well. We need vitamins and minerals to help perform daily activities, and others help the body repair themselves at night. As much as possible for a natural remedy that far from the chemical mixture.

3. Read labels to ensure that the formula has been tested and analyzed.

Supplements should be tested may contain toxins and are supported by scientific research.

4. Buy a supplement in capsule form of the tablets. Tablets may

cheaper compared to the production of capsules, but rather because

capsule more efficiently absorbed.

One of the herbal drug references or natural medicine for you is a natural remedy Chlorella. Good luck!

Select Style Sex Tips by: Mini Tangas

health information, select style sexChoosing the sex style? Why not. Especially if it can speed up the style to conceive, as well as healthful. However, whatever the chosen style, there continue to be advantages and disadvantages.

Therefore, variations in style is important to get the full enjoyment.

One thousand one kind of sexual intercourse positions can be done by the couple, as long as it is believed to add delight together. There are at each other (vis a vis), some are facing the back (vis a targo). In terms of medical (clinical), there are three common position, and contain 'meaning' certain. In short, these positions have their respective functions, in accordance with the anatomy of the human body.

Woman lying on the bottom, man on top

This position is a position that is best done if the couple wanted to have a child. Because, after orgasm, the cervix is immersed in the collected semen inside the fornik posterior (back pocket) of the vagina. In order for the sperm did not hurry out again, put a pillow under your pelvis. That way the possibility of conception (fertilization) becomes larger.

However, be careful. This position is not recommended for women who are pregnant (third trimester). Penile shaft direct touch of the cervix can cause irritation. The man who had heart disease should not copulate with a position that requires more active men, such as the number 1 position is.

The man lay on the bottom, woman on top

Women are more active usually likes this position. The root of the penis will be in direct contact with the clitoris so that orgasm in women may be more quickly achieved. Women who have a couple fat and heart disease are encouraged adopt this position. However, the sperm enters the vagina will quickly spill back, because she is facing down. Thus, the number 2 position is not recommended for couples who wanted to have a baby soon.

The woman knelt, the man behind

If she feels pain in the area between the vagina and rectum (due to injury, surgery, etc.), this position is recommended. This position is also very well done for women who have inverted uterus position accompanied by complaints of infertility. Sperm are placed in the front pocket of the vagina become 'durable' and not get out again.

Adding Healthy Tips Weight Loss by: Mini Tangas

health information, weight lossMany of his desire that his body fat, smaller by a diet. As I've discussed about tips to overcome obesity. Fat may be because most of the fat, and it is not healthy for our bodies.

For that, this time will discuss about the tips add a healthy weight. In an effort to gain weight should also consider the health, should not eat any food that it could even lead to new diseases.

Here are tips to add a healthy weight:

* Add food and drink that contains carbohydrates, high protein. Like drinking a glass of milk every morning, eating half-cooked egg. Avoid foods that contain lots of fat.

* Take supplements that can increase appetite. Of course, legal supplements and healthy.

* Adding a diet. For example, all three times a day increased to five times to seven times a day with the number of servings of less than three times a day. By taking into account the nutrients from your food intake.

* With a complete vitamin for our bodies.

* Keep doing enough exercise. Because adequate exercise can burn fat in your body.
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