[by: mini tangas]
Acne happens to everyone, especially in adolescence.

Acne can arise from many things, but its presence can be controlled. Of course you have to change habits and do a little extra effort to avoid the appearance of acne.
In this article will explain how to remove acne on the face either way remove acne pimples or ordinary stone in the face. How to remove acne is traditionally safe. If we use fabric spot remover sometimes irritating chemicals on the face.
How to remove acne is worth noting in order to restore the beauty of your face. Beautiful face became every woman's dream. Therefore we need a way of treating the face and know how to overcome the existing problems on your face.
How to remove acne can be either traditional or modern. How to remove acne is traditionally one of which is to diligently wash my face, while the modern way of eliminating acne is to use sophisticated technology or equipment from the doctor.
Some how to remove acne:
1. Diligently washed up. But it must not wash. Also wash the neck and forehead at least 2 times a week. Massage your face with circular movements and wash with warm water.
2. Add the acne drug, too. You may have to try several different drugs before finding the product that matches the facial skin. This product is usually packaged and marketed with varying prices. Remember! Expensive does not guarantee the product is suitable and able to overcome your acne problem.
3. Be careful with the use of beauty products. Only use make-up, moisturizer or sun screen is not only oil. Usually if a written "nonacnegenic" or "noncomedogenic" on the label description, the product is better.
4. When wearing the product for the hair, try not to get into his face. Cover your face with a towel when using hair oil, hair spray or mousse. When finished bathing, do not forget to re-rinse your face to eliminate the possibility of the former shampoo or conditioner left on the face.
5. Do not let sweat, bacteria and dirt stuck to the face. tie your hair when heat and avoid wearing a hat and glasses.
6. You should try to find a consultant. acne skin if you start to affect your confidence. The doctor can advise the best medicine and how to use the most effective.
7. Change your diet. Eating chocolate, sweets and greasy food can change your skin gesture. Limit your intake of junk food, get more vitamins and change your lifestyle to be healthier. regular sleep, and do not let your body fluids.
How to remove acne through the above tips as safe for health and will not cause toxins to your body. Not as well as how to remove acne using chemicals, chemicals can sometimes cause irritation with prolonged. How to remove acne made from chemicals to watch out sometimes in acne removal products we use contain mercury (mercury) and formaldehyde are hazardous to the health of our skin. Do not let the desire removes pimples on the face of it damaging your facial beauty. Use acne how to remove safe for your face.
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