Did you know urinary tract infections more often on women than men? Why? Before discussing further, let us know first about what's urinary tract infection.
Urinary tract infection is urinary tract infection due to microorganisms. Most often caused by a bacteria E. coli pathogen that lives in the large intestine. Urinary tract infection or urinary tract infections occur clinically as urinary tract infections and infections of the upper urinary tract. Urinary tract infection was the lower urinary tract infection the most common is called urethritis or cystitis. Infection of the upper urinary tract is usually caused by bacteria are often the same pathogen in urinary tract infections bottom, this is because urinary tract infection is not treated the bottom of the right so that these bacteria from the bladder up into the kidneys, and can cause serious infections of the kidney.
Thus urinary tract infection or urinary tract infection, can be treated with appropriate antibiotics, if not treated properly can become a serious complication that would require longer treatment.
Symptoms of urinary tract infections like:
1. Pain when urinating
2. Pee out a little bit
3. Frequent urination or difficulty holding urine
4. Blood in the urine
5. Tender lower abdomen
6. Colored urine looks cloudy and / or smell
7. Hot, nausea or vomiting.
Why women are more often exposed to this urinary tract infection?
1. Women are more often exposed to urinary tract infections because the urethra tract or urinary tract is shorter women than men. This causes the bacteria to more easily enter the bladder because the urethra (urinary tract) are closer to the sources of bacteria such as the anal region.
2. In women with active seksualitias, there are predisposing factors for developing lainnnya into urinary tract infection. Like: The use of contraceptive diaphragm (female condom), the method performed sexual.
3. In pregnant women, may be more frequently exposed to urinary tract infections due to hormonal changes and changes of position of the urinary tract during pregnancy.
4. Urinary tract infection incidence in women increases with age.
Actually, urinary tract infection can be avoided, and we all know that prevention is better than cure.
Some tips for preventing urinary tract infection or urinary tract infections:
• Drink enough water, this is to dilute the concentration of bacteria in the bladder. As we know the needs of our body fluids of about 2 liters / day.
• Do not hold your urine. Holding urine will only make the bacteria grow.
• Wear underwear from cotton to keep the area dry.
• Avoid wearing a mini that is too tight Tangas that will make a hot and wet or sweaty, making it easier for area overgrown with bacteria.
• For women how to clean the genitals is seen from the front to the rear, is to reduce the entry of bacteria from the anus to the urethra area.
• Drink a glass of water before sex and urinate before and after intercourse.
• If the problem is the cause contraceptive diaphragm then try to replace it with another method of contraception.
• Avoid bath. Bath with the shower better than a bath.
Hopefully this information can help you in preventing urinary tract infections, because as explained that urinary tract infections are more common in women. And remember that urinary tract infection is not treated can develop into complications more serious illnesses that require longer treatment.
Remember: better to prevent than treat!
Urinary tract infection is urinary tract infection due to microorganisms. Most often caused by a bacteria E. coli pathogen that lives in the large intestine. Urinary tract infection or urinary tract infections occur clinically as urinary tract infections and infections of the upper urinary tract. Urinary tract infection was the lower urinary tract infection the most common is called urethritis or cystitis. Infection of the upper urinary tract is usually caused by bacteria are often the same pathogen in urinary tract infections bottom, this is because urinary tract infection is not treated the bottom of the right so that these bacteria from the bladder up into the kidneys, and can cause serious infections of the kidney.
Thus urinary tract infection or urinary tract infection, can be treated with appropriate antibiotics, if not treated properly can become a serious complication that would require longer treatment.
Symptoms of urinary tract infections like:
1. Pain when urinating
2. Pee out a little bit
3. Frequent urination or difficulty holding urine
4. Blood in the urine
5. Tender lower abdomen
6. Colored urine looks cloudy and / or smell
7. Hot, nausea or vomiting.
Why women are more often exposed to this urinary tract infection?
1. Women are more often exposed to urinary tract infections because the urethra tract or urinary tract is shorter women than men. This causes the bacteria to more easily enter the bladder because the urethra (urinary tract) are closer to the sources of bacteria such as the anal region.
2. In women with active seksualitias, there are predisposing factors for developing lainnnya into urinary tract infection. Like: The use of contraceptive diaphragm (female condom), the method performed sexual.
3. In pregnant women, may be more frequently exposed to urinary tract infections due to hormonal changes and changes of position of the urinary tract during pregnancy.
4. Urinary tract infection incidence in women increases with age.
Actually, urinary tract infection can be avoided, and we all know that prevention is better than cure.
Some tips for preventing urinary tract infection or urinary tract infections:
• Drink enough water, this is to dilute the concentration of bacteria in the bladder. As we know the needs of our body fluids of about 2 liters / day.
• Do not hold your urine. Holding urine will only make the bacteria grow.
• Wear underwear from cotton to keep the area dry.
• Avoid wearing a mini that is too tight Tangas that will make a hot and wet or sweaty, making it easier for area overgrown with bacteria.
• For women how to clean the genitals is seen from the front to the rear, is to reduce the entry of bacteria from the anus to the urethra area.
• Drink a glass of water before sex and urinate before and after intercourse.
• If the problem is the cause contraceptive diaphragm then try to replace it with another method of contraception.
• Avoid bath. Bath with the shower better than a bath.
Hopefully this information can help you in preventing urinary tract infections, because as explained that urinary tract infections are more common in women. And remember that urinary tract infection is not treated can develop into complications more serious illnesses that require longer treatment.
Remember: better to prevent than treat!
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