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In order to look more Sexy Lip by: Mini Tangas

Makeup lipstick is the most widely used of women. To get a special impression through makeup lips, you need to give a special accent. Well, what tips, tricks that can give the impression lip special to you?

1. Choose a lipstick color that works best for you. For example young colors, red tomatoes, purple-pink to white, purplish red to yellow skin, and dark red or golden brown to dark brown skin. In addition to considering the color, texture also consider these lipstick. For impression section, select the texture of wet (glossy). If you want to look classy, select lipstick

with the texture, without gloss (matte), also consider the lipstick endurance. If your special occasion last long / interspersed with the meal, we suggest you choose a lipstick with a formula of anti-fast (long wearing / transfer resistant)

2. Then start with step programming. Previous cover the lips with foundation (foundation) for the long-lasting lipstick. Use a foundation with oil-free formula (oil free), to hold the lipstick. If your lips dry, apply a moisturizing lip (lip balm) which does not contain oil, before using the foundation.

3. Outline lips with lip pencil (lip liner). Do not try to line on the lips with a single line without sloppy and too thick! Outline lips with a pencil in the little lines that connect to each other so as to look but.

4. Then, given a lipstick lips. For best results, use a lip brush. Starting from the outside corner of the lower lip and hold the contents until the middle of the lip. Repeat the same thing on the upper lip. When finished, remove the lipstick on the lips with a tissue to diminish the excess color.

5. Give lipstick once again on the second part of the lips, then wash again in a tissue. For optimal results, the lip stick powder puff (preferably made of velours, a kind of towel material is thick, soft and not that of a sponge material). Put lipstick once again to be more emphasized.

6. For a more dramatic impression, Dab in the middle of the upper and lower lip slightly lighter color than base color lipstick. For example if you use red peppers, use red-gold color on the center. Then the second valve lips. This will give the impression of full lips. As a final step, make lip gloss (lip gloss) in the middle of the lips. This is to give the impression management and lip gloss as well keep the lip gloss materials do not release all the lipstick lip color and lip out of the line.

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