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Do not underestimate the bacteria in the mini Tangas

Every women who experienced vaginal discharge is usually uncomfortable, damp, itching, burning and even pain in the pubic area is often perceived grievances. Which is a whitish discharge from the burrow intercourse (vaginal) other than menstrual blood, the fluid itself is divided into two, namely the normal fluid and the fluid is not normal. Normal fluid is the fluid / mucus that comes from three sources namely the production of mucus glands in the estuary around the mouth of the vagina, the production of mucus cells in the lining of the vagina and uterine cavity mucous membranes. Production of mucus in the mouth vaginal gland, influenced by the stimulation of sex. This mucus is usually increased in number in a state of arousal and at the time of copulation. Production of mucus in the lining of the vagina and the uterine cavity is influenced by hormones (before and after the menstrual period) will increase production, the third fluid discharge from this source translucent color, and odorless.

Abnormal fluid is a liquid that came out of the vagina, which is a symptom of infection and malignancy in the vaginal / reproductive tract. The infection is a signed and developed biaknya microorganisms on organ tissue. And classified by microorganisms are viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi. Bacterial infections, parasites and fungi that cause these changes in the white liquid.
Discharge by Bacteria

In normal conditions, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria normally live in the vagina. Aerobic bacteria that live in the vagina include Corynebacterium, nonhemolytic streptococcus, enterococcus, staphylococcus epidermidis, E. coli and Gardnerela. While anaerobic bacteria in the vagina including Peptococcus, Bacteroides, fusiform bacillus and mobiluncus.

In addition there are also harmful bacteria such as chlamydia. In general, good and bad bacteria that live in balance in the vagina. But at some point, when the disturbed immune function, levels of endocrine changes, or there are other factors that cause problems in the vagina. Trganggu any balance of bacteria. This condition is caused for example by injury from sexual relations, the installation of contraceptives, and so on.

Normal bacteria and bad bacteria will be out of place his life turned into a pathogen and cause infection. Manifestations caused all kinds, ranging from white (albus fluorine) until the inflammation pelvic cavity. Fluor albus often called white because of the appearance of the disease is generally in the form of white mucus like milk. Although it may be vaginal discharge which indicates the existence of the disease greenish, yellowish, and even chocolate. Usually the color, white is a sign, an unusual condition in the uterus and vagina, and this disorder is also often

accompanied by pain, or itching.

Bacteria Gardnerela., Is the most common bacteria infect and cause itching and annoying. Color gray liquid, watery, frothy, and smelled fishy. Several other types of bacteria also trigger the emergence of fatal diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhea.

Abnormal vaginal discharge is a sign of vaginal infection in differentiated on the basis of its cause, ie bacterial vaginosis, Trichomoniasis and Candidiasis. Bacterial vaginosis is a vaginal discharge due to increased bacterial pathogens, so the good bacteria decrease, the vaginal pH increases and the vagina becomes alkaline. This disorder is usually marked clinical symptoms such as vaginal secretions bit, homogeneous, grayish white, odor, but not mennyebabkan irritation. It should be stressed, that stabilizing the vagina to prevent infection becomes important. The easiest way is to maintain the cleanliness of the vagina, but while maintaining the pH acidity, thus increasing both bacterial growth and inhibited the proliferation of pathogenic organisms.


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