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Oral sex causes mouth cancer! by: Mini Tangas

health information, mouth cancerDid you know that the activity of oral sex can cause mouth cancer? A study from The John Hopkins University School of Medicine scientists say that the activity of oral sex is one way of migration of human papillomavirus (HPV) is the virus that causes cervical cancer from the cervix into the mouth that could caused the emergence of mouth cancer.

One study also noted the number of people with mouth cancer every year it increased during the last ten years, exceeding even testicular cancer and cervical cancer itself. On average these patients were those aged under 45 years where their sexual activity is high.


Although oral sex is one of the causes of mouth cancer but you do not have to worry too much, because the risk of cancer of the mouth outbreak through oral sex is still fairly low at 1:10,000 people. Instead of cigarettes is still a major factor in cancer of the mouth in addition to alcohol. Both high-risk 30 times more carcinogenic than oral sex mouth. But a good idea to stay alert, remain loyal and not change of partners in sexual intercourse is the best way to avoid yourself from cancer of the mouth. Another approach is to first check-up you and your spouse to your teeth and gums clinic for STD testing or oral health checks to ensure that you or your partner does not carry the HPV virus. This is mainly done for couples wishing to marry.


Vaccination also is an alternative to prevent the outbreak of the virus HPV, but HPV vaccination is only carried out for women, especially young women, while for men can only do vaccinations to prevent cervical cancer is done through injections for 6 months with a fairly high cost.

Couple Sexual History

Not sure about the sexual history of partner sometimes makes you feel unsafe oral sex although the test results stating that you were not carrying the HPV virus. For that it would not hurt if you wear protection or condoms during oral sex. Although I was not a fun way for your sex life and partner, but the safe play is better than no treatment?


Early detection of mouth cancer can increase treatment success rate. Alert in case of the membrane around the mouth wound that never healed after three weeks, or a lump-emergence of small bumps around the mouth red and white. Immediately contact your doctor immediately if you experience an indication the outbreak of cancer in your mouth.

Breast cancer can be prevented! by: Mini Tangas

health information, breast cancerMonth of October designated as 'breast cancer month' seems an appropriate moment to reflect on the impact and prevention of diseases that many women feared that.

Several years ago, experts thought that breast cancer is a disease that is not preventable. But now researchers have a lot to know how to prevent, or at least reduce the risk of breast cancer. Some attempts to minimize the risk of breast cancer can be done medically or natural (alternative therapies).

The approach of medical terms are:

1. Breast Cancer Prevention Drugs.

Women with high risk, namely the survival / survivor of breast cancer or who at least have a blood relationship with cancer (mother or sister), can get treatment 'tamoxifen', which works by blocking the effects of estrogen trigger tumors.

2. Before the attack cancer mastectomy.

For women from families with genetic risk is very high, there is a mastectomy for breast cancer prevention. It is a radical approach, but most succeed. Mastectomy breast tissue is lifted, but not entirely, so the chances of cancer is still there.

Prevention is naturally include:

1. Raga playing regularly.

Research shows that in line with increased activity, the risk of breast cancer will be reduced. Exercise will lower estrogen levels produced by the body to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

2. Reduce Fat.

Some studies show that low-fat diet help prevent breast cancer. However, a recent study states that the more important is the type of fat and not the amount of fat consumed.

Type of fat that trigger breast cancer is the saturated fat in meat, butter, foods that contain full-cream milk (whole-milk dairy foods) and fatty acids in margarine, which can increase estrogen levels in the blood.

As for the type of fat that helps prevent breast cancer is the unsaturated fats in olive oil and omega-3 in salmon and other cold water fish.

3. Never Too Mature Meat Cooking.

The way you cook the meat will affect the risk of breast cancer. Meats cooked / baked produce carcinogenic compounds (amino hetero cyclic). The longer cooked, the more these compounds are formed. Hetero cyclic Amino most numerous in the layers of grilled meat outside (skin) and charred black.

4. Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables.

The more fruits and vegetables you eat, the less risk for all cancers, including breast cancer. Foods from plants contain anti-oxidants are high, including vitamins A, C, E and the mineral selenium, which can prevent cell damage that could be causing cancer.

National Cancer Institute (NCI) recommends to consume fruits and vegetables at least 5 (five) times a day. But to avoid fruits and vegetables that contain lots of fat, like fried potatoes or banana cream pie.

5. Consumption of Anti-Oxidant Supplements.

Supplements can not replace fruits and vegetables, but an anti-oxidant formula could be a food additive that can prevent breast cancer.

6. Consumption of fiber.

In addition to functioning as anti-oxidants, fruits and vegetables also contain lots of fiber. Fiber foods will bind estrogen in the digestive tract, so the levels in the blood is reduced.

7. Consumption of foods containing Soybean / protein.

Foods derived from soy contains plant estrogen's (Fito-estrogen). Just as 'tamoxifen', these compounds similar to estrogen the body, but much weaker. Fito-estrogen receptor bound to the same cells with estrogen the body, tied it out of breast cells, thereby reducing the effects of breast cancer triggers.

In addition to blocking estrogen the body to reach the cell receptor, the food was also accelerate expenses estrogen from the body.

8. Consumption of nuts.

In addition to soy, Fito-estrogen is also present in species other nuts.

9. Avoid alcohol.

Many studies have shown that the more alcohol consumed, the risk of breast cancer increased because of alcohol increases estrogen levels in the blood.

10. Control Your Weight.

Weight gain per pound after the age of 18 years will increase the risk of breast cancer. This is because in line with increased body fat, the hormone estrogen as a trigger in blood breast cancer will increase.

11. Avoid Xeno-Estrogen's.

Xeno-estrogen means estrogen that comes from outside the body. Women taking estrogen from outside the body especially from iatrogenic hormone residues found in meat and residues pesticides iatrogenic. Suspected xeno-estrogen's may increase blood levels of estrogen thereby increasing the risk of breast cancer.

The best way to avoid xeno-estrogen is to reduce the consumption of meat, poultry (chickens, ducks) and dairy products (whole-milk dairy products).

But you do not have to worry about eating lots of fruits and vegetables, because the effect of anti-oxidants and fiber content more than pesticides residual effects.

12. Bask in the sun.

The increasing incidence of skin cancer (malignant melanoma) make us afraid of the sun. But a little sunlight can help prevent breast cancer, because at the time the sun on the skin, the body make vitamin D. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium breast tissue, thereby reducing the risk of breast cancer.

In order to get the sun for 20 minutes / day, is recommended to walk in the sun in the afternoon or evening. But if you want to get calcium or vitamin D from sunlight not, you can try to consume food supplements.

13. No Smoking.

14. Routine To Breastfeed Your Child.

For reasons still unclear, breastfeeding associated with reduced risk of breast cancer before menopause.

15. Consider Before Doing HRT.

There are several good reasons to do HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy / hormone replacement therapy) after menopause, which reduces the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease. But HRT will increase the risk of breast cancer.

Talk with your doctor and consider the risks that may arise, because most women a higher risk for heart disease than breast cancer. Finally, one more thing that can affect the risk of breast cancer is stressful.

Medical literature states that stress can increase the risk of breast cancer. But research on this is still controversial. But it never hurts to start how to overcome stress in your life through meditation, yoga, tai chi, gardening or other leisure activities.

Healthy guava by: Mini Tangas

health information, guavaGuava fruit familiar magic in our lives, have multiple health benefits. This fruit is very rich in vitamin C and some types of minerals that could ward off various types of degenerative diseases, and maintain body fitness. Leaves and bark contain antibacterial substances, which can cure some types of diseases.

Guava taxonomic ally belongs to the family Myrtaceae, genus Psidium, guava species.

Guava plants including shrubs (height can reach 10 meters) that quickly adapt to the environment and has a good regeneration power. Guava can be grown in all kinds of climate and land at an altitude of 5-1200 feet above sea level.

Historically, guava from Central America, specifically Brazil. From there it spread to Thailand and then to other Asian countries, including Indonesia. In many countries, guava is the most important crop for the original population. We have planted guava throughout the world, especially in tropical countries.

Multipurpose plants

Guava tree is a much branched shrubs. Part of this plant is often used for a variety of human needs is the bark, leaves, and fruit.

Utilization of bark and leaves in the field of health has a long history and still continues to this day. Guava leaf is often used for treatment of diarrhea, gastroenteritis, and other complaints related to the digestive tract.

Guava leaf compounds rich in flavonoids, especially quercetin. These compounds have antibacterial activity and that contribute to the effects of Antidiarrhoeals. Poly phenols are found in the leaves are known to have antioxidant activity.

Like guava leaves, bark of this plant also has antibacterial activity. Extracts from both parts of this plant in vitro is toxic to some bacteria causing diarrhea, such as Staphylococcus, Salmonella, Shigella, Bacillus, Escherichia coli, Clostridium, and Pseudomonas.

The most important part of the guava plant is its fruit. Fruit can be consumed in the form of fresh or processed into various products such as jams, jellies, pasta, lunkhead, and juice.

Type of the guava

Guava fruit shapes vary from round to pear shaped, and the aromatic scent. Sweet fruit-flavored, sweet and sour, or acidic. Taste and aroma of guava very distinctive due to the compound eugenol. Thin rind is green to yellowish green. Seeds varied from very few to about 500 seeds in a fruit that weighs about 150 grams. Harvest the fruit can be done throughout the year (do not know the season).

Guava fruit size varies, from a diameter of 2.5 cm up to more than 10 cm. Cashew is favored by the general public is soft and thick flesh, sweet taste, a little seed, and large fruit.

Type of the guava in the world there are around 150. In Indonesia, which is widely planted cashew types breadfruit, guava and white milk, cashew apples, cashew Australia, palembang guava, guava frangipani, guava-week market, cashew brittle red, pink cotton candy, guava juice, and guava determined.

Vitamin C is best

Guava fruit is said that very special because contain high nutrients, like vitamin C, potassium, and iron. In addition, also rich in non-nutrient substances, such as food fiber, components carotenoids, and polyphenols. Guava fruit is free from saturated fat and sodium, low fat and energy, but high-fiber food.

Vitamin C content of guava fruit about 87 mg, twice that of sweet orange (49 mg/100 g), five times the orange, and eight times the juice (10.5 mg/100 g). Compared to the water rose and pink balls, levels of vitamin C in guava much larger, ie 17 times the rose-water (5 mg/100 g) and four times the rose-bol (22 mg/100 g).

Besides functioning as antioxidants, vitamin C has a function of health care and stimulate capillaries; prevent nutritional anemia, ulcers, swollen gums and bleeding (skorbut disease); and prevent tooth dates. High doses of vitamin C can increase the body's immune system against various infections. Thus, we are not easy to be sick, like flu, cough, fever, and others.

Vitamin C helps the absorption of iron and can inhibit the production of nitrosamines, a substance triggers cancer. Vitamin C also contribute to the formation of collagen which is very useful for healing wounds. The availability of sufficient vitamin C in the blood can promote the work of selenium in inhibiting cancer cells, especially lung cancer, prostate, breast, colon, bladder, and brain.

In essence, guava can be As with the main source for vitamin C your body needs. Consumption of guava weighing 90 grams per day was able to meet the needs of adults daily vitamin, so as to maintain the health and fitness.

Vitamin C in guava peak near mature. Most of the vitamin C guava concentrate on the skin and outer flesh soft and thick. Therefore, guava should be consumed with the skin.

Source of potassium and fiber

Guava also contains potassium about 14 mg/100 g fruit. Potassium function increases heart rate regularity, activates muscle contraction, regulate delivery of substances other nutrients to body cells, control the fluid balance in the body tissue, and lower high blood pressure (hypertension).

The workings of potassium in the body is the reverse with sodium (trigger hypertension). Therefore, in the daily diet is recommended to consume sodium and potassium in a 1:1 ratio. Food processing by using the salt tends to increase far exceeds potassium sodium.

Guava is also a source of food fiber (dietary fiber). Fiber food useful for preventing various degenerative diseases, such as colon cancer (colon cancer), diverticulosis, atherosclerosis, heart disorders, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and kidney stone disease.

Consumption of food fiber Indonesian society is still very low, ie about 10 grams / person / day. In fact, consumption of fiber foods is recommended 20-30 grams / person / day.

Guava food fiber about 5.6 grams per 100 grams of meat. Type enough fiber contained in the guava is pectin, which is a type of fiber that is soluble in water. Fiber that is soluble in water has a major role in lowering cholesterol, which binds cholesterol and bile acids in the body, and help their spending through the process of defecation.

Thus, the fiber is soluble in water useful to prevent atherosclerosis (blockage of blood vessels cause of coronary heart disease and stroke). It kind of fiber also plays a role in lowering blood glucose levels, so a very important role in preventing diabetes mellitus.

Stay fit and healthy in old age by: Mini Tangas

health information, Stay fit and healthy in old ageSo far, many people believe the myth that says the more twilight age of a person, the less mobility, alias no longer nimble due to osteoporosis.

And as long as we have good bone structure and maintain healthy body, you can remain active despite a grandmother.

Osteoporosis is a natural process. However, along with the increasing human life expectancy, osteoporosis is a problem. Without strong bones, a person may be trouble around in his old age.

According to Catherine Armstrong, naturophat (health practitioners) from Australia, the problem can be experienced bone anyone, not always the elderly. In some cases there are children with bone diseases.

To get strong bones, the consumption of foods containing calcium, such as cabbage, onions, garlic and eggs are good for the growth of young bones. And of course calcium.

Not only from the milk

Figures adequacy average calcium recommended in Indonesia is 500 - 800 mg per person per day. In old age and menopausal women tend to recommend experts intake to about 1000 mg / day.

Milk does contain lots of calcium. But calcium is not only obtained from milk. Calcium can be obtained from green vegetables (eg spinach), fruit, broccoli, and tempeh and tofu. Nuts and seafood are also rich in calcium. If necessary, add a supplement containing glucosamine.

Armstrong recommends arthritis sufferers to choose fish in the sea, like salmon, tuna, or mackerel. \ "If there is inflammation in the joints, fish and fish oil is recommended. Because they are rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids such as Eicosopentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)," he said.

Before choosing a fish oil product, you should test anti-mercury, considering the chemical content is too high in fish can be toxic. To cure your fingers are stiff, Armstrong recommends ginger and ginkgo biloba for blood circulation.

If one of your family members have the disease of arthritis, then you should be more careful. Exercise regularly and avoid some foods, such as eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes, black tea, fruit acids, red meat and reduce the consumption of sugar.

These foods have different effects on each person who suffered a bone problems. There's a good idea to conduct a survey yourself by trying any foods that make your illness worse.

For people with bone disease, Armstrong suggested that they do not exercise too heavy but still makes the whole body moving. Swimming, walking, pilates or tai chi is one of them. Consult a doctor or fitness trainer before you choose one type of exercise.

Tips to keep your ear health by: Mini Tangas

health information, earEar infections in children under five is not a rare occurrence. The most common cause of how you clean the ears wrong or is there another cause. "Cleaning the ear wax is actually quite limited to just the ears, do not need to get to the ear canal," this can be prevented by therapy ear (ear Theraphy)

To the ear canal, precisely at 1 / 3 part furry outer ear, there are oil glands or serumen. This serves to prevent the entry of dirt, insects, and bacteria. In normal circumstances these glands will release the oil little by little, melted out of the ear lobe Theraphy follow. Waste like dirt or soft clay, but will dry by itself. Once dry, this gland will produce oil again. So it works in a natural ear cleaning. But if the ear canal too often stimulated, these glands will remove excess oil which was less good for the health of the ear eg ear wax candle / ear candle.

If known there had hardened dirt near the eardrum, should immediately be sent to the doctor or ENT specialist can also using the ear candle / ear wax candles. Usually the doctor will give eardrops (carbolic glycerine 10%) to solve the dung. Dirt sprayed broken or scraped out. Infections that may arise due to irritation of the dirt was overcome by administration of antibiotics. Follow-class spa ear candle for ear health.

In addition can cause infection, this fossilized feces will cause ear ache or a bit deaf after a swim (do therapy with ear candle spa). For the incoming water will be blocked out. In fact, if the blocked ear canal side only, can cause dizziness or vertigo (spinning), especially when you swim in cold water.

How to clean Nail Fungus by: Mini Tangas

health information, nails healthIf the nails are often split, break easily and become jagged, be careful! You can be nail fungus infected nails. To overcome easily. Soak nails in antiseptic solution. Having given anti fungal drugs, clean up your cuticles and nail tip.

For painted nails, clean nails with acetone. Then, soak your nails in warm soapy water and discard the stem pick cuticles. Clean under nails with orange stick, rinse and stingy with soft cleaning rod. Rinse again and dry nails.

Give a moisturizer on the cuticles and massage all parts of the nail. After that, the nail can be mashed with a miser in order not jagged, not easily broken and a natural glow. If necessary, give vitamins to the nail is always healthy.


Deal with the heat when you're pregnant by: Mini Tangas

health information, pregnantPregnant women feel hot, hot and uncomfortable and constantly sweating during hot air? Surely some sense this condition. Want to know how to ease the 'pain' during your pregnancy? Here are tips-tricks:

1. Water, air and water

Course favors a cold soda, but nothing can satisfy your thirst than water. Do not let your body dehydrated. Remember, dehydration is often associated with premature birth. Make sure you drink eight glasses per day, even if you do moderate exercise.

2. Snack snack

Avoid heavy foods. Eating in large numbers not only make you even uncomfortable, because eating a lot during pregnancy will increase your metabolism and cause you more hot again. Now, in order to make the body a little uncomfortable, eat small amounts, but often.

3. Try Like a spa bath

Pregnancy is an opportunity to indulge lho. Fill the bathtub with warm water is lukewarm and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil into it. Turn off all lights, light the candle, and soak your body into the bathtub.

4. Get naked!

If you have small children and are still hanging on your feet, ask for help couples. Say you need time alone. Lock the bedroom, changing bed linen with soft materials, add a pillow, if necessary, sprinkle scented talcum powder. Rest at least one hour and enjoy the solitude.

5. Wear loose clothing

Choose lightweight, loose clothing, retire tight T-shirt and jeans. Wear brightly colored clothing that reflects the light, avoid dark colors that absorb heat.

6. Swimming pool

Do not swim if you do not want to. Just enough to sit on the edges, shade trees shelter of smth. Enjoy the wind breeze caressing your face and body.

7. Meditation

Turn off all the lights, get comfortable posture, close your eyes and imagine you are in a very comfortable place

8. Eating out

If your house has no air conditioning, do not force myself to cook in the kitchen. could ever eat in the restaurant dong the cold and the food was delicious. not have to bother doing the dishes affairs and furniture.

9. Create a personal retreat

Read a book while listening to your favorite CD or go to the library could be an option. Prepare a full glass of fresh fruit juice.

10. Make AC alone

Fill a basin with ice and place it in front of the fan. Need a cold compress? Take a towel, dip in ice water, flush on the neck. Do the same for the back of the neck. Cold is not it?

Giving Dot Baby Tips by: Mini Tangas

health information, dot babyIf you give your baby pacifiers, remember some tips:

1. Wait until the baby can feed well from their mother's milk. Be patient. Wait until the baby was a few weeks or more, until he can be with regular feeding.

2. Let the baby determine his own, when he would use a pacifier, do not be forced.

3. Select dot with good ingredients and easy to clean. Be careful with the nipples that are "cracked" because if broken could be swallowed by the baby. Select the shape and size appropriate for your baby.

4. If there is already perceived by the baby's right, buy some fruit. Often the case that some babies refused if the pacifier replaced because it was soft, delicious, or for any reason.

5. Keep the pacifier clean. Before using a new pacifier, wash it clean. In order not moldy dot, dot every day soak in a bowl of warm water sided been given or liquid laundry soap for washing the pacifier. Allow to dry, give the new baby. Do not ever put the pacifier into your mouth in order to clean it. Bacteria from the mouth can be attached to your nipple and into the baby's mouth.

6. Never use a rope to hang the pacifier and then placed around the baby's neck. Little can be coiled cord and cause death.

7. If the dot separated from the baby's mouth while he slept, do not enter back into his mouth.

8. Try to find another way to soothe your baby when she was fussy and crying. Do not rush gagged with a pacifier. Maybe with a little swing and sling, he had calmed down. This is important so that the baby does not depend on the dot.

9. Realize right, when to stop giving pacifiers to their children. Most children stop using a pacifier when the age of 2-4 years. If you began to doubt, concerned about her age who still uses a pacifier, consult your doctor.

10. The final decision to give a pacifier or not, is in your hands. Let the error be the best teachers in educating and caring for baby dear.

How to choose a natural healthy diet supplements by: Mini Tangas

health information, natural healthy, dietMany of us, do not get vitamins and minerals we need on a regular basis. We do not eat enough fruits and vegetables and do not get antioxidant supplements as well as we should have in your diet.

Then not accompanied with health foods your body needs. There are many factors triggering a lack of nutrients or supplements your body needs. Environmental factors such as pollution, preservatives, lack of soil nutrients and too much fertilizer nutrients resulting decline. Lifestyle factors such as stress, alcohol consumption and excessive tobacco products.

56 percent of adults use vitamins and supplements in their daily needs to make sure that we get the required nutrients. But be careful of food supplements and drugs can not replace the vitamins and minerals found in food.

There are four keys when we start looking and buy dietary supplements:

1. Consider the product (health food) which has a special formula for men and women. The more we know about nutrition, the more clearly because men and women have different needs. A good supplement will have a different formula as needed.

2. Look for supplements that have formulation morning and evening. Our bodies are not

nutritional needs as well. We need vitamins and minerals to help perform daily activities, and others help the body repair themselves at night. As much as possible for a natural remedy that far from the chemical mixture.

3. Read labels to ensure that the formula has been tested and analyzed.

Supplements should be tested may contain toxins and are supported by scientific research.

4. Buy a supplement in capsule form of the tablets. Tablets may

cheaper compared to the production of capsules, but rather because

capsule more efficiently absorbed.

One of the herbal drug references or natural medicine for you is a natural remedy Chlorella. Good luck!

Select Style Sex Tips by: Mini Tangas

health information, select style sexChoosing the sex style? Why not. Especially if it can speed up the style to conceive, as well as healthful. However, whatever the chosen style, there continue to be advantages and disadvantages.

Therefore, variations in style is important to get the full enjoyment.

One thousand one kind of sexual intercourse positions can be done by the couple, as long as it is believed to add delight together. There are at each other (vis a vis), some are facing the back (vis a targo). In terms of medical (clinical), there are three common position, and contain 'meaning' certain. In short, these positions have their respective functions, in accordance with the anatomy of the human body.

Woman lying on the bottom, man on top

This position is a position that is best done if the couple wanted to have a child. Because, after orgasm, the cervix is immersed in the collected semen inside the fornik posterior (back pocket) of the vagina. In order for the sperm did not hurry out again, put a pillow under your pelvis. That way the possibility of conception (fertilization) becomes larger.

However, be careful. This position is not recommended for women who are pregnant (third trimester). Penile shaft direct touch of the cervix can cause irritation. The man who had heart disease should not copulate with a position that requires more active men, such as the number 1 position is.

The man lay on the bottom, woman on top

Women are more active usually likes this position. The root of the penis will be in direct contact with the clitoris so that orgasm in women may be more quickly achieved. Women who have a couple fat and heart disease are encouraged adopt this position. However, the sperm enters the vagina will quickly spill back, because she is facing down. Thus, the number 2 position is not recommended for couples who wanted to have a baby soon.

The woman knelt, the man behind

If she feels pain in the area between the vagina and rectum (due to injury, surgery, etc.), this position is recommended. This position is also very well done for women who have inverted uterus position accompanied by complaints of infertility. Sperm are placed in the front pocket of the vagina become 'durable' and not get out again.

Adding Healthy Tips Weight Loss by: Mini Tangas

health information, weight lossMany of his desire that his body fat, smaller by a diet. As I've discussed about tips to overcome obesity. Fat may be because most of the fat, and it is not healthy for our bodies.

For that, this time will discuss about the tips add a healthy weight. In an effort to gain weight should also consider the health, should not eat any food that it could even lead to new diseases.

Here are tips to add a healthy weight:

* Add food and drink that contains carbohydrates, high protein. Like drinking a glass of milk every morning, eating half-cooked egg. Avoid foods that contain lots of fat.

* Take supplements that can increase appetite. Of course, legal supplements and healthy.

* Adding a diet. For example, all three times a day increased to five times to seven times a day with the number of servings of less than three times a day. By taking into account the nutrients from your food intake.

* With a complete vitamin for our bodies.

* Keep doing enough exercise. Because adequate exercise can burn fat in your body.


Controlling Cholesterol healthy way by: Mini Tangas

Cholesterol in the body can cause many diseases. High cholesterol is not only experienced by a person who was fat, but skinny people do not mean lower cholesterol. This also can happen to people who are still young. Among various age, must try to live a healthy lifestyle in order to keep cholesterol in the blood remained normal.

There is fat in the body of bad cholesterol is called LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) which fat can be attached to the blood vessels. Meanwhile, the good cholesterol known as HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) is able to dissolve the fat content of LDL in the body. Normal cholesterol in the body is 160-200 mg, the accumulation of LDL content must be prevented in order to remain in their normal state. Here are some tips so that you can control the cholesterol in the blood.

health information, cholesterol healthy


Consumption of foods low in fat and cholesterol. For example by consuming milk without the fat and reduce the consumption of meat. Choose foods with unsaturated fat than saturated fat. Oil used for frying repeatedly can raise cholesterol levels, then you'll want to reduce the consumption of fried foods.

Consumption of fiber

Consume more fiber foods such as wheat, beans, vegetables and fruits. These foods can absorb cholesterol in the blood and expelled from the body.

Consumption of antioxidants

Antioxidants found in many fruits such as oranges, strawberries, papaya, carrots, or pumpkin. Eat garlic regularly can lower cholesterol levels.

Avoid alcohol and smoking

With smoke or consume alcohol, would be easy to accumulate cholesterol in the bloodstream.


Exercise regularly according to age and ability. Keep your body weight remains the ideal.

Healthy foods, be careful, dangerous or abstinence?

As mentioned above, food is an important thing that can cause cholesterol. The following table can you make reference to what foods you should eat or consumption can be reduced.

Sleeping Beauty tips at night by: Mini Tangas

Here are tips that you sleep soundly at night:

1. After dinner, take activities like a walk or do some exercise, but remember to finish all of this at least 3 hours before bedtime. Conversely exercise too close to bedtime can be a stimulant bad sleep. Sports faster can help you become relaxed.

2. Before you are ready to rest, drink half a cup of herbal tea containing herbs or herbal kamomile.

3. Change what you eat. Do not drink (or eat) anything mengandungkafein before nightfall. Chocolate, tea, coffee, cola drinks and other beverages containing caffeine should not be consumed in the afternoon. Check any content you are taking to ensure no caffeine, ephedra or contain other stimulants have trouble sleeping.

4. Enough sunlight is needed throughout the day to regulate sleep cycles. If you have to recognize irregularities in the day (call it sleep "bats or bat"), you may need a light box to add the light throughout the day. You can learn about this lighting problem in many other web writings.

5. If you are struggling with sleep problems, do not go to bed to watch television. If you can not sleep, go to another room and try to read until you drowsy. Do not get up and watch television because of the color and light will continue to stimulate the brain works.

6. If you wake up in the middle of the night, do not turn on the lights or find out what time it is. Both of these can stimulate the brain to work and out of sleep state. Lying in bed and wait until you fall asleep again. If you do not go back to sleep, wake up, go into another room under membacalah a rather dim light until you are sleepy again. Back to bed and lay there, resting for the rest of your night, although you may not fall asleep. Most, you'll be half asleep half awake without knowing it. Woke up briefly also be a good time to have quiet time with God.

7. Go to bed at the same hour every night and get up at the same time.


Health studies of vitamin D by: Mini Tangas

Besides a pretty vital role in maintaining bone density to be strong and not easy to osteoporosis, vitamin D, it also has influence on the speed of our thinking, especially men. This is based on research published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry.

The study examines the health of more than 3100 men aged 40 years and over in 8 cities in Europe, namely Florence, Leuven, Lodz, Poland; Malmo, Manchester, Santiago de Compostela, Szeged, Hungary, and Tartu.

health information, vitamin D

The researchers took blood samples throughout the adam is to determine vitamin D levels in the blood. Then the patisipan required to do 3 tests to test the speed of thought, namely the visual memory, visual recognition and speed of processing visual information.

vitamin D

The result is surprising, those with vitamin D levels low in the blood turned out to have poor scores on tests of visual recognition and visual information processing.

One researcher David Lee, PhD, MPH from England's University of Manchester say that these findings may be related to geographical conditions for the best for our bodies to produce vitamin D when exposed to the sun's rays, they are living place with little sunlight produce less vitamin D, which in turn will affect the results of this research.

Men's Health peek Based Age (AGE 40 years) by: Mini Tangas

General Condition: At this age, men experience a decline in ability, which is not nimble as his 20-year-old, for example. If you like unto a young man from poor sleep habits, at the age of 40 years he usually had experienced fatigue.

In this exercise should note a few things, especially if you have hypertension or heart disease. The man who was fat at the age of 40 years and above should reduce the burden of sports. Because there may have a problem with the muscles or joints. So do not be too hard to do an activity that heavy exercise.

health information

There are several diseases to watch out for, namely degenerative diseases (diseases that occur due to age). These diseases occur primarily because the pattern of less healthy lives, for example, does not consider eating (the content of uric acid, cholesterol, salt). So we could be in over 40 years will experience a variety of diseases, especially if supported by other risk factors such as obesity.

Some diseases or consequences that may arise:
- Coronary heart attack. Causes include smoking, hypertension, obesity, increased blood viscosity, diabetes, lack of exercise, and stress the weight.
- Increased cholesterol. Excess cholesterol will accumulate in the blood vessels, especially in the brain blood vessels and coronary heart disease. If you have other factors such as obesity, smoking, and diabetes, the risk of heart attack or stroke increased.
- High uric acid levels. Result in inflammation of the joints leg. Swollen joints and causing great pain. Can accumulate in the kidneys causes the formation of sand and kidney stones.

At the age of 45 years and over, decreased body function more real. Testosterone levels decline, as well as other hormones. Muscle mass and muscle strength began to decline, increased body fat, and various diseases arise that could interfere with sexual function, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Psychological factors can also interfere with sexual function, such as saturation with everyday situations, loss of intimacy with a spouse, partner attractiveness loss, disappointment, and resentment.

In addition to sexual function, male fertility is declining. The quantity and quality of sperm cells was also decreased. Thus, the assumption is not true that states male fertility remains high despite advanced age. Because it is recommended at age above 40 years old, men and women should not have children anymore.


In order to look more Sexy Lip by: Mini Tangas

Makeup lipstick is the most widely used of women. To get a special impression through makeup lips, you need to give a special accent. Well, what tips, tricks that can give the impression lip special to you?

1. Choose a lipstick color that works best for you. For example young colors, red tomatoes, purple-pink to white, purplish red to yellow skin, and dark red or golden brown to dark brown skin. In addition to considering the color, texture also consider these lipstick. For impression section, select the texture of wet (glossy). If you want to look classy, select lipstick

with the texture, without gloss (matte), also consider the lipstick endurance. If your special occasion last long / interspersed with the meal, we suggest you choose a lipstick with a formula of anti-fast (long wearing / transfer resistant)

2. Then start with step programming. Previous cover the lips with foundation (foundation) for the long-lasting lipstick. Use a foundation with oil-free formula (oil free), to hold the lipstick. If your lips dry, apply a moisturizing lip (lip balm) which does not contain oil, before using the foundation.

3. Outline lips with lip pencil (lip liner). Do not try to line on the lips with a single line without sloppy and too thick! Outline lips with a pencil in the little lines that connect to each other so as to look but.

4. Then, given a lipstick lips. For best results, use a lip brush. Starting from the outside corner of the lower lip and hold the contents until the middle of the lip. Repeat the same thing on the upper lip. When finished, remove the lipstick on the lips with a tissue to diminish the excess color.

5. Give lipstick once again on the second part of the lips, then wash again in a tissue. For optimal results, the lip stick powder puff (preferably made of velours, a kind of towel material is thick, soft and not that of a sponge material). Put lipstick once again to be more emphasized.

6. For a more dramatic impression, Dab in the middle of the upper and lower lip slightly lighter color than base color lipstick. For example if you use red peppers, use red-gold color on the center. Then the second valve lips. This will give the impression of full lips. As a final step, make lip gloss (lip gloss) in the middle of the lips. This is to give the impression management and lip gloss as well keep the lip gloss materials do not release all the lipstick lip color and lip out of the line.


9 Ways to Balance Your Life by: Mini Tangas

Juggling several roles is so common today. We are tired and often seem to be seeking a state of balance that is just out of our reach. Juliet Schor, author of The Overworked American and a Harvard economist reminds us that, "the typical family puts in a thousand more hours a year today than they were 25 years ago." Over eight million of us hold down two or more jobs. Work takes up so much of our lives. Working mothers seem to bear the brunt. They spend an average of almost two hours more each weekday and three hours more on weekends than their partners do in caring for their children and the house.

health information, life

Overworked? No wonder it seems so difficult to find a balance!

It isn't easy to find a balance between what you and your family need to survive, and what is needed to truly prosper. This can make for some tough choices! Finding your balance is difficult, but not impossible. How do you begin? Take the time to reflect on the quality of your family life, right at this moment.

• What are your goals?

• What brings you and your family personal fulfillment?

Our journey in life defines exactly who we are. Prioritize your life. Your thoughts are powerful. Create a mental picture of exactly what you want in life. Use this as your "roadmap." Now you can sit down, and create a list of your priorities. Take your time with this. Decide what you can really control in your life. Release the rest.

1. De-stress. How do you react to the pressures in your life? It is impossible and even undesirable to eliminate all stress from our lives. Stress, ! when properly managed, can actually enrich and motivate us, but when it is not properly dealt with, it can be very detrimental. What are your stressors? Begin to take notice of times that you are feeling overwhelmed. Can you eliminate these stress-producers from your life? If they can't be eliminated, it is possible to change your reaction to them. (AW: more about this later..)

2. Simplify. You don't need to be busy every minute of the day. Stay home with your family. Don't make a commitment unless it is important to you. Get in the habit of saying no to things you don't want to, or don't have time to do (and don't feel guilty about it.) Consider hiring household help if that's an option for you. Don't be a slave to the phone -- that's what answering machines are for. Remember your priorities.

3. Play. When we allow our leisure time to decrease, we may see that our relationships begin to suffer. Take time out to play. Read with your child, get down on the floor and cuddle with your baby, build with Legos, play tag, watch a favorite movie, or share a cup of tea and some good conversation with your teen. Really be there for that moment. Show your family with one-on-one time how important they are to you.

4. Share the load. Partners and children -- even toddlers -- can help out. Sit down, and decide as a family where the household cleaning priorities lie, and assign jobs. Do you really care if your blinds haven't been dusted in a month? Does anyone else in your family notice, or care? Giving your children age-appropriate duties helps them to develop self-reliance. Sharing the load will result in more time for everyone. Order adds to a calm, peaceful environment within your home.

5. Slow down! You are pulled in many directions. What do you do when you feel there just isn't enough of you to go around? Ask yourself, "What is most enjoyable and rewarding for me and my family?" Don't give another thought to wasting your precious time on activities that are meaningless to you. Instead, put the focus on what is really important in your life. Have realistic expectations of yourself and others. Learn to be adaptable. Go with the flow. Let go of what you no longer need.

6. Nurture yourself. A body that is well taken care of is much more easily able to deal with the stresses of everyday life. Eat a nutritious and well-balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get the rest your body needs. It's the advice our mothers gave us, and it still works today.

7. Stop procrastinating. When something needs to be done, just do it. Avoidance takes more energy than actually doing. Even if you are feeling very reluctant to begin a project, once you're in motion you'll forget your initial concerns. It may help to start out with the simplest part, and ease into the most challenging.

8. Focus on the positive. Take a look around you. What do you have to be grateful for? Taking the time each day to write down at least five things you are thankful for, will serve as a powerful reminder of just how much is going right with your life!

9. Take charge! Keep a journal, tracking the time you spend on your daily rounds. Around 30 percent of our waking hours are spent in regular, day-to-day activities. Decide which of these routines are important, and which can go. Plan ahead. Watch for your energy peaks and yours lumps. Follow you body's rhythm, working with, and maximizing, your body's natural cycles. Before you go to bed, take just a few minutes to think about the day that has just passed, and to review the day ahead. This is also a great time to glance at your list of goals, helping you to stay focused. Get started!

Finding a balance in your life is an ongoing process. Life is in a constant state of change -- a work in progress. Allow yourself the time to regularly reassess the direction in which you are heading. Are you on track, or have you temporarily derailed? Patiently, but steadfastly, work toward your goals. Follow your dreams.


Way to keep vagina fresh and healthy by: Mini Tangas

When discussing about the vagina is not exhaustive and is an interesting discussion. Especially for those who always take the health and beauty.

health information, vagina

On occasion this time will be appointed tips Maintain freshness and health of the vagina.

1. Always keep cleaning the vagina at the level of acidity from 7.1 to 7.3.

2. Clean the outside of the vagina after contact.

3. Diligently replace pads come in when menstruating.

4. Try not to wear panties during sleep.

5. Changing underwear 3x a day.

6. Do not wear nylon pants, jeans and tight leather pants. This will make the sides of your vagina moist. Moist vagina can be affected by fungus or other skin diseases.

7. Keep your weight to avoid obesity. If you are overweight it will cause the fat folds of the vagina closed in both thighs.

8. Use a reliable cleaning vagina and not cause other effects on the vagina.

9. Perform Kegel exercises in your vagina.

Actually a lot of ways Vagina treatments. But choose the right way, otherwise you will damage the vagina later. Sorry for your future husband.


Tips For No Drowsiness While Driving by: Mini Tangas

Already a `disease` the driver when driving a car on the way is sleepy. Keep in mind, do not force yourself to continue to drive when sleepy. You should note the following:

* If sleep has started to attack, it's better for a safe place to sleep for a while and rest in the car. Or alternately driving with other passengers.

* Do not wash your face to create a literate eye or use a feather to tickle the nose to sneeze. Did you know it will only remove the sleepy moment, but after that sleep attacks can come even worse.

* Consider the needs of the driver, set to music that refreshes the mind and provide snacks of fresh fruit so fast the driver was not sleepy.

* For the driver must be bothered to stretch or massage the back or neck to relieve sore feeling.

Tips Overcoming Migraines by: Mini Tangas

The cause of migraine headaches has yet to be ascertained, because of that, there is no cure migraine. In fact, when stricken with a migraine, my head was going to burst, and like stab-stab sharp objects. It was painful.

Migraine attacks have not managed to disrupt the activities and productivity. You need to find out the trigger factors of migraine, which can be avoided.


1. Keep exercising regularly

If migraine attacks occur when you exercise, record the new activity to do, what you eat before, and the weather conditions that day.

2. Keep a regular sleep pattern

Sleeping too much or too little can trigger a migraine.

3. Avoid stress as much as possible

Many sufferers get a migraine after a stressful event.

4. Keep your diet

Eat regularly and give a break with snacks. Avoid foods with artificial sweeteners, nitrates, caffeine. Tea, coffee, alcohol, MSG, chocolate is also thought to trigger migraine.

5. Menstruation

Another factor that should trigger suspicion is the menstrual cycle, intense visual stimuli such as the reflection of sunlight and very bright light.

If you are a migraine attack, overcome by rest and sleep in a dark room and quiet. Compress the head of the sick with cold water to constrict blood vessels.


Tips To Get Pregnant by: Mini Tangas

You are trying to get pregnant, you can try some of these tips to help so that you can get pregnant. Maybe you've heard lots of rumors about when the best time to have sex as female cycle, how many times have sexual relations conducted, and how sexual positions and so do things that increase the likelihood to become pregnant.

Some Tips For Pregnancy:

- The best time for conception

It is important to know when the best time for conception in a woman. The best time for conception or fertilization is a time of fertility or ovulation of a woman.

What should be noted that the mature egg lives only 24 hours whereas 48-72 hours of live sperm in a woman's body. Therefore, to have sex before ovulation is better to increase the pregnancy than a day or two days afterwards.

- Frequency of sexual relations

Frequency or how often to have sex, it all depends on each couple. There are no specific figures can be sure how many times a person must have sex to get pregnant. There are women who become pregnant with just one other course but requires a longer time. Most important how often you have intercourse at the best time for conception.

- Enjoy your sexual process

Research shows that when a woman reaches orgasm, the atmosphere will form a base on which vaginal sperm than normal like the vagina (acid atmosphere). If you have an orgasm at the same time or shortly after your partner's sperm to ejaculate is a chance to survive until the cervix is more improved.

- Sexual position

Sex positions recommended to increase the likelihood of pregnancy is the man on top (man on top).

- Do Many Moving After Sex?

There is no evidence to suggest that after a sexual relationship with a not move and remained in a sleeping position with the legs or hips higher after sex will increase fertility. Because the sperm is already in the cervix shortly after ejaculation.

But there are experts who still advocate for a moment to give the sperm swim to the cervix and elastic hips with a pillow during sex.

The important thing is when you clean, avoid using cleaning fluid shortly after vaginal intercourse because the vaginal cleaning fluid may be toxic to sperm.

- Create the husbands

The husband should avoid wearing tight pants or warm bath, this will decrease the possibility of pregnancy because of the hot areas of emphasis or the testes (sperm formation).

- Relax

Try to stay relaxed in the face of this with your partner because stress will only complicate the conception.

- Take care of your health

Maintaining health is an important basic things. Make sure your body enough nutrients. Remember that healthy women who become pregnant will be easier than having excessive weight or less.

These are all tips to help you to increase your chances to conceive. Remember most, when the sperm into the fallopian tubes and a mature egg ready to be fertilized, only 30% are having a positive pregnancy test result and the remaining 70% despite doing everything right but still have to wait and try again.

And if you've tried to do this for 1 year and not pregnant, should consult with your doctor to get the best treatment.

[source: dechacare.com]


Overcoming Burn Tips by: Mini Tangas

You had burns? The good do not rashly exposed to overcome the wounds caused by fire or hot objects. Injury to the skin tissue could also be a trivial thing.

Burns on the skin surface layer can feel more pain than the burn. In the typically burns the skin has changed color to white and the shape and feel no pain. While burns on the skin surface usually causes reddish skin and it hurt like hell. So you have to do is:

1. Once exposed to hot objects or liquids directly remove the clothing around the burn. Do it as soon as possible not to object or liquid hot melts of clothing that could fall into your skin.

2. Immediately wash the wound with cold water. For about 15 minutes or more until the wounds look better. This is to cool the wound before the drug hit. Compress the wound with gauze. Do not use cotton or other material that could be attached if the skin.

3. You often perform first aid using toothpaste? From now on do not do it. Avoid toothpaste, butter or ointment can cause your injury worse. Enough cold water to relieve the pain of burns.

4. Immediately check to the doctor burns to avoid bacterial infection. If you have a bacterial infection, after suffering the injury you'll fever, inflammation and wound you ooze pus.

5. Burns serious enough you should immediately take them to the doctor or hospital. Because the network might be damaged your skin and damage to other body work system. Soon you should get intensive treatment.

To have healthy eyes while working in front of the monitor by: Mini Tangas

Computer and various equipment, like monitors, already become goods laity in every job office. No doubt if many people have to work in front of the monitor all day. Initially we maybe little worried about influence computers and rays radiation emitted monitors can disturb nealtn, especially eyes. However, experts had never given up to create a more friendly equipment with the environment and health.

Still, worked too long ahead screen nonetheless can affect health, like eye tired, backache, shoulders and neck. Here are some tips to overcome fatigue and eye strain when working in front of the monitor. Hopefully we can keep a steady eye gift, although they had to work long hours.

mini tangas, monitor

1. Working in a fairly light room.

Notice lighting within workroom your. Do not worked within room too bright and blindingly eyes. Use shades to regulate light from the window. Put lamp overhead. Avoid you stared light directly. Conversely, do also working indoor who too dark or dim. Try to keep your room bright enough so that your eyes do not work too hard.

2. Use filters monitor.

To reduce rays blinding and radiation emitted screen, use filters glass monitors. Talk to your computer equipment vendor to get a good filter and can reduce the effects of radiation, not just dim the light of the monitor.

3. Check your monitor.

Check whether your monitor still work properly? Compare with another monitor. When images who looked increasingly blurred, blinking or uncomfortable for eye you, then already time to repair or replace monitor. Better replace monitors than letting eye you offended. Frequently clean the monitor from dust and dirt that interfere with the display.

4. Put worksheets fluently.

If you must work with copying or reading paperwork, then place worksheets these within distances balanced with your monitor. This allowing you unnecessary alternating focusing outlook for reading paperwork your, after reading in screen monitors.

5. Notice positions monitor.

Put monitor screen such that forming angle between 10-15 degrees from positions parallel with views straight your. This is in addition to avoid tiring your eyes, also keep your shoulders and your neck comfortable enough to work.

6. Working with the "font" big enough.

If you must edit the text in front of the computer, make sure the size or "font" letters that you use big enough. Do not force your eyes to read the letter for which there is writing on the screen. Use facility for enlarge or adjust large Image display in your monitor. When you've finished editing or read it, you can restore these fonts to the starting position.

7. Rest your eyes.

Relax your eyes or Close. Do not checked eyes your. However, frequent blinking. This can reduce tension and keep your eyes stay moist and cool. When you too long saw close range, switch your views toward distant. Do this for several minutes every 30 minutes.

8. Check eyeglasses or lenses contacts.

If you use glasses or contact lenses and you have to work all day in front of the monitor, a good idea to consult with your doctor or optical eye so you can get the appropriate glasses. Both, the size of lenses and frames. If you feel tired using sunglasses, uninstall course. Glasses could make eyes tired.

Occasionally let eyes you saw encyclopedia. However, immediately wear eyeglasses you when feel must wear. Do not force the eyes to see the monitor without the help of glasses.


Based on the objective Sex Tricks by: Mini Tangas

Sex or sex can have a variety of purposes. Each person also has different goals. According to the sex expert, how to have sex can vary, depending on your destination.

This is a goal to make love someone and how to do it.

1. Female orgasm
Want to make a woman orgasm? Try changing your lovemaking style. Woman on top is the position of trust that can give her total satisfaction. from the start the rhythm and the time set by the women, therefore they usually earn more satisfaction. On the other hand, their partners feel aroused at the sight of women in action, and felt the woman's body on top of their bodies.

2. Full Body Contact
If your goal is to do a total body contact with the most important partner is relaxed and not in a hurry. Start by kissing each other, hugging, or a massage. If the time comes, choose a position side by side, so that your body and your partner together.

3. Sex Furniture
Sex not only be done in the bedroom alone. If occasionally you want to do it in other places, do not bother booking a hotel room or pay expensive resort. Stay use only furniture in your house. but remember, think of the level of comfort. do not let you and your partner instead injury. Large sofa or recliner is recommended for this kind of sex.

4. Sex Lightning
Want to do a quickie? It is advisable to do so while standing, leaning against the wall. This position may allow you to do a total body contact with partner and stimulate each other. If you and your spouse have a fairly high measure of distance, one could make the bench or table for rebuttal.

5. Sex to obtain offspring
Actually there is no particular love style to get offspring. But of course having sex missionary style is strongly recommended. Most important, did sex in the fertile period of women.


Mini Tangas for healthy skin

Mini Tangas for healthy skin

if itching is especially when sweating, most likely the fungus.
especially the area is humid areas, because often sweating. But
however, skin diseases can be diagnosed by looking skin disorders
such by a doctor, because of the drug may aggravate skin diseases. Mother
should give encouragement to her husband for medical treatment, not be ashamed, because the tropical skin disease is common. Medication
itself is widely available in every place the health service, from
health centers to large hospitals. But sometimes require skin disease
patience of patients in treatment, because it can take a long time in the
To note again is to maintain the cleanliness of the skin, often cleaned
when sweating, and change when the Mini Tangas felt dirty.


Mini Tangas tips open late intercourse

Mini Tangas tips open late intercourse

Undress before intercourse is an important step that must be considered, There's a trick and a separate step so that intercourse can be excited.

Each pair can be considered open or dress pants as part of foreplay. Therefore, it could not hurt a bit to learn about this from a sexologists.

According to John Gray, Ph.D., a sexologists from New York, in the book Mars and Venus in the Bedroom, there is a very important connection between the mini open technique Tangas before intercourse with a passion.

According to Gray, the man should begin to feel the inside of her thigh just when he thought she had wet her partner. As a first step, it's good feeling about the Mini Tangas and gradually explore the outer genitals.

He said, women would be aroused if the attractive mini Tangas, he did slowly. He should begin to draw down Mini Tangas and then returned slightly upward.

Start feeling his part in a mini Tangas behind in the back, then forward, then down the edges down and up. After that, put your fingers on the side of her thighs, and feel the softness of pubic hair and the flesh around Mrs. V is wet.

When he was touched with your fingers soft and sure she had wet her partner V, then the man opened underpants. Very good if just when opening briefs done very slowly. Make the impression that the man could not help myself. The move will further stimulate their partner.

Although male sexual appetite has peaked, he still could gain time. Such control allows women to feel more free in the release of sexual turmoil that he stand. Leave when the woman out of control.

Do not remove the mini Tangas women, but hold the bottom and roll Mini Tangas ass down to open. After mini Tangas rolled, he can start groping and stroking her buttocks and inner thighs from the back of the female partner.

Finally, remove the mini Tangas your spouse woman from the feet and start again stroked her inner thigh and rubbed his entire genitalia, especially the clitoris fingered.


Mini Tangas right, Intimate Health Organ.

Mini Tangas right, Intimate Health Organ.

RIGHT MINI TANGAS, intimate HEALTHY ORGANS know, ma'am, female sex organs form was exactly the same? Mini Tangas one vote could lead to a variety of complaints in the genitals and surrounding areas. From allergies to whitish.

The shape of the vagina consists of two labia (lips), the labia majora and labia minora. "Ideally, a thick outer lips, inner lips thin. If the woman has a thick outer lips and her inner lips too thick, it will shut very tight sex.
Plus vaginal area is vulnerable to microorganisms because of its proximity to the anus which is the release hole. As a result, microorganisms in the rectum more easily move into the vagina. If the atmosphere in the vagina moist, microorganisms grow more fertile. That is why, choosing Tangas mini g-string models that cover only a small portion of the vagina without covering the bottom, not a wise action. Especially if used all day. "The bottom will eventually rub against each other cause irritation. Irritation can be a place of growing mushrooms. If the fungus is left, will develop into an infection that results in white. This is the problem of why women can experience vaginal discharge process,
The risk of choosing a mini Tangas also result in red skin and allergies, especially when the skin reacts to the materials used in the Mini Tangas.

1. Adjust Model With Body Forms
- Forms ass
If the form down and wide, Tangas mini g-string model clearly does not fit. The pressure of gravity of the buttocks, in fact will cause friction between the buffer with our sex organs so that the skin blisters easily.
- Big belly and wide hips.
Select Mini Tangas full-figure model or maxi, for protecting the whole area of sex organs, so comfortable and well worn.
- Slender, high-arsed and still tight.
May choose the type of thong or mini. To give the impression section, or if she is wearing a tight gown, select the model g-string or thong to form mini Tangas not print on the dress. But avoid using this model for a long time since this model does not completely protect the bottom.
2. Made of Cotton Material
Mini Tangas cotton still remains the safest as mini Tangas everyday, for the sensitive skin. Cotton can absorb sweat well and easy to clean. Engender cotton cool and comfortable.
Mini Tangas usage for day-to-day from a nylon material is not recommended given the texture of the material to make us hot. Mini Tangas nylon also easily cause the vaginal area to be damp so bacteria and fungi prolific, because the material does not absorb sweat.
3. Note Mixed Materials
Sometimes cotton producers combined with other materials such as spandex, lycra, latex, silk, nylon or Vynil to create a mini Tangas strecth.
Cotton is the finest in aesthetic even less because there are no elastic material. Though favorable elastic material to form the body contours. Belly fat that looks flat, the bottom fell so look hard. If you want to choose a mini Tangas with a mixture of materials can strecth, okay. Origin of elements more cotton and its use is not for a long time, because the material is elastic prevents the evaporation process so that the humidity increases.
In their sensitive skin, mix the ingredients above, the risk of irritation. Signs that usually appear are the red spots and feels hot and itchy in the exposed skin with a mini Tangas.
Mini Tangas with fine lace worn. But not for everyday use, even though thin woman. The problem, materials with more lace store detergent when washing. Although rinsed, all is not well terbilas than when washing cotton Mini Tangas.
4. Watch Size
Find the right size. Do not select the Mini Tangas too tight or loose. Make sure your skin is not stressed by the Mini Tangas. If there is a sign of distressed leather, means you need a mini Tangas larger size.
Rubber in the stomach also should not be too strict as it might arise because of allergies due to the use of pressure that is too strict and continuous. Thus, there is a red in a depressed part of it.
Mini Tangas select pieces that are not narrow hips so legs move more freely.
- To find the size that fits Mini Tangas, Octavia suggestions Vanessa, supervisor Mark & Spencer's Plaza Indonesia, do not hesitate to ask the salesman at a special counter which sells underwear. "Salespeople in stores are usually already provided a large meter. Consumers and measured waist circumference, hip circumference and thigh circumference. The ratio of these measures will result in size or an appropriate size. Salespeople also must suggest to the consumer, the appropriate model with body shape or model according to Occasion or event that will go, "explained a woman who was nicknamed Vivi.
5. General Tips
- Customize the colors Mini Tangas with outer clothing worn. For example, you wear white pants, avoid the mini Tangas with flashy colors transparent so no view from the outside.
- If you managed to find a suitable mini Tangas and fit your body shape, buy as much as you can so you do not run out if the model did not come out again. It's okay, have a number of mini Tangas with the same model home comfortable and friendly with our bodies?

Mini Tangas want lasting until 3 or 4 years? Follow some tips on caring for these mini Tangas!
1. Read care labels are listed in the new Mini Tangas purchased.
2. Let's not wash with the machine Mini Tangas because it will make a rubber and a stretchy material. So even if the mini Tangas made from materials from lace, even should really be washed by hand.
3. Do not use detergent as it will change the nature of materials and elasticity. Use a mild soap or bath soap. Wash it clean because the cover of this intimate organs should be completely free of germs.
4. Dry in the shade. It is advisable to buy hanger (hangers) to mini Tangas special order form preserved underpants.


Clean and durable on the mini Tangas

Clean and durable on the mini Tangas

Many people have problems with mini washing Tangas. This is because many of us do not know or ignore how do I make a mini Tangas we wash it clean and durable (not easily damaged). Here is information useful for washing clothes that we clean up the results and remain durable.

1. Identify types of materials in your Tangas mini.
Mini Tangas have this kind of material that vary for different treatment is clear because the type of material has a mini Tangas nature / character specific. Here are some types of mini-Tangas material commonly used:
a. Cotton, this material has properties capable of absorbing water and resistant to heat.
b. Linen, will be able to absorb water but the pores tend to be more rough.
c. Polyester, artificial materials that have properties similar to cotton.
d. Wool, very absorbing water but a thick fabric, so if you get a stain would be more difficult to clean and will shrink if I wash and dry is not true.
e. Silk, absorbs water and tear easily. Laundering by using an enzyme and bleach can cause damage to this type of clothing so that a good way of washing is done with a dry cleaning system.
To use the washing machine there is usually a choice of programs: Normal, Delicate, Jeans, Wool, etc..

2. Identify common types of stains that stick to your Mini Tangas.
In general, the stain can be grouped into:
a. Protein and carbohydrate stains, including the blood, egg, sap, sauce, spaghetti and chocolate. These types of stains can be removed with a detergent that contains enzymes, such as those found in liquid or All SA8 Fabric Bleach.
b. Oil stains, including lipstick, foundation cosmetics, margarine, cooking oil, mayonnaise, crayons and shoe polish, this type of stain can be removed with a detergent containing surfactant and solvent. Surfactant and solvent is one of the materials used by SA8 liquid and SA8 gelzyme.
c. Faded stains, including ink, carbon paper, toner, fruit, coffee, tea and wine (drink). These types of stains can disappear by using a composition including an enzyme, surfactant, solvent and some special chemicals such as are contained in the liquid and All SA8 Fabric Bleach. To stain faded a long time to dry and usually is a bit difficult to clean because it has hardened and absorbed into the pores of clothes that require several processes.
d. Mud stains, stain type tend to be more easily cleaned since it is usually shaped beads (when viewed in a way enlarged) so that does not cling tightly to the pores of the clothes except the type of mud contaminated with chemical or other type of stain as above it will require the formulation of detergent Special owned by Amway products.

3. Identify the level of impurities in your Tangas mini.
Mini Tangas separate species that is not too dirty and very dirty, so you can adjust the amount of use of detergent. In the washing machine there is usually a water level (low, medium, high) so you can adjust the amount of water and detergent so you can save water and detergent requirements.
To produce a maximum of clean laundry is closed ¾ All Fabric Bleach bottle with cork 1 Liquid SA8 washing clothes at a very dirty.

4. Know when and how the temperature of hot water used in the mini Tangas and use of mechanical processes in the wash.
Mini Tangas Each has different qualities of different, for that you need to know if these clothes should be washed using hot water or even more specifically how the temperature is allowed to wash your clothes. And the important thing is you also know how a good washing with a washing machine or manually (by hand)

The principle is to wash off the stain / dirt in the pores of clothes. The washing stage to produce a clean mini Tangas are as follows:

1. Soaking, aims to mini pores become soft so Tangas stains / dirt can easily escape. You can use Tryzyme to stain / dirt destroyed so easily cleaned.

2. Washing, aims to remove dirt / stains that stick from the pores Mini Tangas. The usual method is by mechanical means such as the washing process or a washing machine with a twin-tub and top-loading. Another method which is by using hot water and detergent active and a little movement so that the dirt / stain will be off by itself. This method is the washing machine and front-loading clothes will usually tend to be more durable because there friction between miniature pores Tangas very small compared with the mechanical process. To generate maximum work primarily use the washing machine front-loading where you do not have rubbed, then you should use SA8 or SA8 Liquid Gelzyme.

3. Rinsing, so that the remaining dirt / stains that have been destroyed and attached to a mini pores can Tangas off. Use Fabric Softener & Brightner to pores Mini Tangas become soft and brilliant.

4. Drying / drying, aims to eliminate the water content in the pores so that the mini-mini Tangas Tangas can comfortably be used again.

5. Stubborn stains, to remove stains are stubborn, you can use the Pre-wash (at the time of dry conditions) or All Fabric Bleach plus hot water (400 C) by soaking.


Consumption of fish when you're pregnant, Make Children Smart [by: Mini Tangas]

Consumption of fish when you're pregnant, Make Children Smart [by: Mini Tangas]

A study undertaken at the U.S. recently reported by the American Journal of Epidemiology, found that there was a positive relationship between a mother's habit of consuming fish during her pregnancy and the child's level of intelligence when he was three years old.

The study proved that a mother who used to eat fish during pregnancy shown to have a child who is more intelligent and better motor skills than children conceived during his mother did not eat fish.

A mother who consumed at least two servings of fish per week during pregnancy, proved able to produce offspring (children) with a better cognitive (intelligent), capable of absorbing the vocabulary and grasp a better visual, visual motor and have motor skills are more well.

This research provides a significant contribution to the study of infant brain development, because it turned out the baby's brain development is determined in the days before he was born.

Almost all our neurons formed well during the second trimester of pregnancy the mother. At that critical process to build the interconnection with the right place.

Thoughts, habits, and our cognitive abilities, of course, is the result of brain functional processes. Therefore, abnormalities in the brain causes the abnormalities in our thoughts and behavior in the future.

Why fish influential? Because fish contains Omega 3 as an essential component in the formation of the brain.

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