To the ear canal, precisely at 1 / 3 part furry outer ear, there are oil glands or serumen. This serves to prevent the entry of dirt, insects, and bacteria. In normal circumstances these glands will release the oil little by little, melted out of the ear lobe Theraphy follow. Waste like dirt or soft clay, but will dry by itself. Once dry, this gland will produce oil again. So it works in a natural ear cleaning. But if the ear canal too often stimulated, these glands will remove excess oil which was less good for the health of the ear eg ear wax candle / ear candle.
If known there had hardened dirt near the eardrum, should immediately be sent to the doctor or ENT specialist can also using the ear candle / ear wax candles. Usually the doctor will give eardrops (carbolic glycerine 10%) to solve the dung. Dirt sprayed broken or scraped out. Infections that may arise due to irritation of the dirt was overcome by administration of antibiotics. Follow-class spa ear candle for ear health.
In addition can cause infection, this fossilized feces will cause ear ache or a bit deaf after a swim (do therapy with ear candle spa). For the incoming water will be blocked out. In fact, if the blocked ear canal side only, can cause dizziness or vertigo (spinning), especially when you swim in cold water.
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