Several years ago, experts thought that breast cancer is a disease that is not preventable. But now researchers have a lot to know how to prevent, or at least reduce the risk of breast cancer. Some attempts to minimize the risk of breast cancer can be done medically or natural (alternative therapies).
The approach of medical terms are:
1. Breast Cancer Prevention Drugs.
Women with high risk, namely the survival / survivor of breast cancer or who at least have a blood relationship with cancer (mother or sister), can get treatment 'tamoxifen', which works by blocking the effects of estrogen trigger tumors.
2. Before the attack cancer mastectomy.
For women from families with genetic risk is very high, there is a mastectomy for breast cancer prevention. It is a radical approach, but most succeed. Mastectomy breast tissue is lifted, but not entirely, so the chances of cancer is still there.
Prevention is naturally include:
1. Raga playing regularly.
Research shows that in line with increased activity, the risk of breast cancer will be reduced. Exercise will lower estrogen levels produced by the body to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
2. Reduce Fat.
Some studies show that low-fat diet help prevent breast cancer. However, a recent study states that the more important is the type of fat and not the amount of fat consumed.
Type of fat that trigger breast cancer is the saturated fat in meat, butter, foods that contain full-cream milk (whole-milk dairy foods) and fatty acids in margarine, which can increase estrogen levels in the blood.
As for the type of fat that helps prevent breast cancer is the unsaturated fats in olive oil and omega-3 in salmon and other cold water fish.
3. Never Too Mature Meat Cooking.
The way you cook the meat will affect the risk of breast cancer. Meats cooked / baked produce carcinogenic compounds (amino hetero cyclic). The longer cooked, the more these compounds are formed. Hetero cyclic Amino most numerous in the layers of grilled meat outside (skin) and charred black.
4. Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables.
The more fruits and vegetables you eat, the less risk for all cancers, including breast cancer. Foods from plants contain anti-oxidants are high, including vitamins A, C, E and the mineral selenium, which can prevent cell damage that could be causing cancer.
National Cancer Institute (NCI) recommends to consume fruits and vegetables at least 5 (five) times a day. But to avoid fruits and vegetables that contain lots of fat, like fried potatoes or banana cream pie.
5. Consumption of Anti-Oxidant Supplements.
Supplements can not replace fruits and vegetables, but an anti-oxidant formula could be a food additive that can prevent breast cancer.
6. Consumption of fiber.
In addition to functioning as anti-oxidants, fruits and vegetables also contain lots of fiber. Fiber foods will bind estrogen in the digestive tract, so the levels in the blood is reduced.
7. Consumption of foods containing Soybean / protein.
Foods derived from soy contains plant estrogen's (Fito-estrogen). Just as 'tamoxifen', these compounds similar to estrogen the body, but much weaker. Fito-estrogen receptor bound to the same cells with estrogen the body, tied it out of breast cells, thereby reducing the effects of breast cancer triggers.
In addition to blocking estrogen the body to reach the cell receptor, the food was also accelerate expenses estrogen from the body.
8. Consumption of nuts.
In addition to soy, Fito-estrogen is also present in species other nuts.
9. Avoid alcohol.
Many studies have shown that the more alcohol consumed, the risk of breast cancer increased because of alcohol increases estrogen levels in the blood.
10. Control Your Weight.
Weight gain per pound after the age of 18 years will increase the risk of breast cancer. This is because in line with increased body fat, the hormone estrogen as a trigger in blood breast cancer will increase.
11. Avoid Xeno-Estrogen's.
Xeno-estrogen means estrogen that comes from outside the body. Women taking estrogen from outside the body especially from iatrogenic hormone residues found in meat and residues pesticides iatrogenic. Suspected xeno-estrogen's may increase blood levels of estrogen thereby increasing the risk of breast cancer.
The best way to avoid xeno-estrogen is to reduce the consumption of meat, poultry (chickens, ducks) and dairy products (whole-milk dairy products).
But you do not have to worry about eating lots of fruits and vegetables, because the effect of anti-oxidants and fiber content more than pesticides residual effects.
12. Bask in the sun.
The increasing incidence of skin cancer (malignant melanoma) make us afraid of the sun. But a little sunlight can help prevent breast cancer, because at the time the sun on the skin, the body make vitamin D. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium breast tissue, thereby reducing the risk of breast cancer.
In order to get the sun for 20 minutes / day, is recommended to walk in the sun in the afternoon or evening. But if you want to get calcium or vitamin D from sunlight not, you can try to consume food supplements.
13. No Smoking.
14. Routine To Breastfeed Your Child.
For reasons still unclear, breastfeeding associated with reduced risk of breast cancer before menopause.
15. Consider Before Doing HRT.
There are several good reasons to do HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy / hormone replacement therapy) after menopause, which reduces the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease. But HRT will increase the risk of breast cancer.
Talk with your doctor and consider the risks that may arise, because most women a higher risk for heart disease than breast cancer. Finally, one more thing that can affect the risk of breast cancer is stressful.
Medical literature states that stress can increase the risk of breast cancer. But research on this is still controversial. But it never hurts to start how to overcome stress in your life through meditation, yoga, tai chi, gardening or other leisure activities.
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