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Oral sex causes mouth cancer! by: Mini Tangas

health information, mouth cancerDid you know that the activity of oral sex can cause mouth cancer? A study from The John Hopkins University School of Medicine scientists say that the activity of oral sex is one way of migration of human papillomavirus (HPV) is the virus that causes cervical cancer from the cervix into the mouth that could caused the emergence of mouth cancer.

One study also noted the number of people with mouth cancer every year it increased during the last ten years, exceeding even testicular cancer and cervical cancer itself. On average these patients were those aged under 45 years where their sexual activity is high.


Although oral sex is one of the causes of mouth cancer but you do not have to worry too much, because the risk of cancer of the mouth outbreak through oral sex is still fairly low at 1:10,000 people. Instead of cigarettes is still a major factor in cancer of the mouth in addition to alcohol. Both high-risk 30 times more carcinogenic than oral sex mouth. But a good idea to stay alert, remain loyal and not change of partners in sexual intercourse is the best way to avoid yourself from cancer of the mouth. Another approach is to first check-up you and your spouse to your teeth and gums clinic for STD testing or oral health checks to ensure that you or your partner does not carry the HPV virus. This is mainly done for couples wishing to marry.


Vaccination also is an alternative to prevent the outbreak of the virus HPV, but HPV vaccination is only carried out for women, especially young women, while for men can only do vaccinations to prevent cervical cancer is done through injections for 6 months with a fairly high cost.

Couple Sexual History

Not sure about the sexual history of partner sometimes makes you feel unsafe oral sex although the test results stating that you were not carrying the HPV virus. For that it would not hurt if you wear protection or condoms during oral sex. Although I was not a fun way for your sex life and partner, but the safe play is better than no treatment?


Early detection of mouth cancer can increase treatment success rate. Alert in case of the membrane around the mouth wound that never healed after three weeks, or a lump-emergence of small bumps around the mouth red and white. Immediately contact your doctor immediately if you experience an indication the outbreak of cancer in your mouth.

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